
Fish diseases

Swedish Veterinary Agency (SVA)
Department of Animal Health and Antimicrobial Strategies/Division of Fish
Travvägen 20
75189 Uppsala

Contact person

Charlotte Axén
Phone: +46 (0) 18 67 43 76
E-mail: charlotte.axen@sva.se 

Crustacean diseases

Swedish Veterinary Agency (SVA)
Department of Virology, Immunobiology and Parasitology
Travvägen 20
751 89 Uppsala

Contact person

Charlotte Axén
Phone: +46 (0) 18 67 43 76
E-mail: charlotte.axen@sva.se 

Delegated tasks
TSV and YHV diagnostic tasks are delegated to the EURL for crustacean diseases
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27 JULY 2024