Questionnaire on Survey and Diagnosis of Fish Diseases in Europe 2022

Tuesday 07 Mar 23


Niccolò Vendramin
Senior Researcher
DTU Aqua
+45 21 42 91 48


Teena Vendel Klinge
Biomedical Laboratory Scientist
DTU Aqua
+45 35 88 61 03

It is time for the EURL to collect data for Survey and Diagnosis to get an overview of the status of diseases listed, according to Commission implementing regulation 2018/1882, in Europe.

Every year the EURL collates data provided from the NRL’s compiling aquaculture production, number of outbreaks of listed fish diseases, health category status of fish farms, fish health challenges occurring in the different countries and number of test conducted by NRLs. Data are formatted in a report available at the EURL website.

An overview of the data collected from this year’s “Survey and Diagnosis” will be presented at the next Annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratories for Fish Diseases.

Deadline for submission

The completed Survey and Diagnosis questionnaire should be returned to the EURL no later than 24th April 2023. 

Guidelines and template

The template for collecting data in 2022 is aligned with the Animal Health Law: 

  1. The EURL team will retrieve all general production data in Europe by combining the FAO Fisheries Global Information System (FIGIS) and the annual report provided by Federation of Aquaculture Producers (FEAP). 

  2. The general production data do not cover the number of farms with susceptible species nor their health status. These information are important for epidemiological analysis. Therefore, the EURL asks each Member State to provide these data. It is the responsibility of the NRL to collect these data from the respective authority in their country.

  3. The EURL would like to collect information on the geographical localization of zones and compartments within the different health categories in each country. Therefore, NRL's are encouraged to submit a map with this information. Maps can be retrieved from However, the NRL's are free to use the map that fits their needs best.

  4. All Member States are asked to use this survey and diagnosis questionnaire template. The questionnaire should be filled in and saved with the name of the relevant country and submitted to Teena Klinge ( and Niccolò Vendramin ( latest 24th of April 2023. In the Survey and Diagnosis reports from previous years, NRL's can get updated on what they have submitted the previous years.

  5. With specific reference to points 3.3; 3.4 and 3.5 of the questionnaire: These fields should only be filled in if specific changes have occurred since last year, otherwise they just be left blank.
23 JANUARY 2025