The 24th Annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratories for Fish Diseases and the 11th Annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratories for Crustacean Diseases will take place as virtual meetings on 3-5 November 2020.
Please find the link for signing up for the workshops here
Tentative programme
The tentative programme for the workshops can be found here
Further information on the practical aspects including a more detailed programme, code of conduct for the virtual meeting, and the links to attend the meetings will be send at a later stage.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 28 October
As there are still open slots in the programme, the organizers encourage participants to give a presentation at the workshop, thereby contributing to a fruitful and interesting meeting.
All presenters should submit an abstract of their talk before 28 October in order to have it included in the final program.
Template for abstracts of presentations regarding fish diseases
Template for abstracts of presentations regarding crustacean diseases
For topics related to fish diseases, please contact Niccoló Vendramin,
For topics related to crustacean diseases, please contact Morten Schiøtt,