Invitation to Annual Workshop 2024 for National Reference Laboratories

Thursday 14 Mar 24

The EURL for Fish and Crustacean Diseases is happy to invite the National Reference Laboratories to the 28th EU Annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratories for Fish Diseases and the 15th EU Annual Workshop of the National Reference Laboratories for Crustacean Diseases. 

The workshops will be held from 29th of May to 30th of May. The 29th of May will be allocated to the Fish Annual Workshop. The session held on 30th of May in the morning will be allocated to the Crustacean Annual Workshop. On 30th May in the afternoon a special session focusing on technical aspects related to legislation will take place.

The meeting will be held online.

The workshop is restricted to EU and EEA representatives.


Download the official invitation

Registration – deadline 10th of May

In order to complete the registration please access Conference Manager here

You will receive an automatic email for confirmation.

Deadline for registration is 10th of May 2024.

The link for attending the meeting will be distributed after deadline for registration.

Proposals for contributions

Proposals for contributions for the Annual Workshops sessions are very much encouraged and welcome.


For information on registration through Conference Manager, please contact Lis Vinther,

For information on the program of the Annual Workshops, please contact Niccoló Vendramin,