20th Annual Workshop

Monday 18 Apr 16


Niels Jørgen Olesen
DTU Aqua
+45 29 24 43 10


Niccolò Vendramin
Senior Researcher
DTU Aqua
+45 21 42 91 48


Dear colleagues,


It is a pleasure for us to send you the invitation for the 20th Annual Workshop for the National Reference Laboratories for Fish Diseases.

Please find attached the invitation to the workshop, the form you will have to use for hotel reservation (Hotel Astoria and Hotel Danmark)  and a preliminary program.

Let us bring your attention to few important points:

  1. As for last year, the registration to the workshop is done through an online system called “Conference Manager”. Use the link in the invitation letter and follow the instruction to “Sign Up”. Once a successful registration is done, you will receive an email for confirmation.

  2. The talks in the program are only the confirmed ones. We would like to remark that proposals for contributions for the Annual Workshop sessions are very much encouraged and welcome.

  3. Also this year we will have an activity discussing perception of impact of infectious fish diseases in the European Aquaculture. If you find it relevant, feel free to contact other stakeholders in your country in order to collate “information from the field”.

Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.


Best regards,

The EURL Fish team



14 DECEMBER 2024