Fish diseases
National Veterinary Research Institute
Department of Fish Diseases
Al. Partyzantow 57
24-100 Pulawy
Contact persons
Marek Matras
Phone: +48 81 886 88 93 014
E-mail: marek.matras@piwet.pulawy.pl
Ewa Paździor
Phone: +48 81 889 33 75, +48 81 889 30 02
E-mail: ewa.pazdzior@piwet.pulawy.pl
Crustacean diseases
National Veterinary Research Institute
Department of Fish Diseases
Al. Partyzantow 57
24-100 Pulawy
Contact person
Magdalena Stachnik
Phone: +48 81 886 88 93 014
E-mail: magdalena.stachnik@piwet.pulawy.pl
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