Proficiency Tests

Annual proficiency test

The EURL for Fish and Crustacean Diseases organizes an annual inter-laboratory proficiency test for the National Reference Laboratories (NRLs).


The aim of the proficiency tests is to assess the ability of participating laboratories to identify the fish diseases listed and categorized in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/216 and other current fish diseases.  


The inter-laboratory proficiency test consists of two separate parts: Proficiency test 1 and 2. Each test consists of 5 coded ampoules containing lyophilized material.

Proficiency test 1

In proficiency test 1, each participating laboratory has to identify any VHSV, IHNV or EHNV content in the ampoules according to the procedures described in the diagnostic manuals provided by the EURL for Fish Diseases 

Proficiency test 2

In proficiency test 2, participants have to identify any KHV (CyHV-3) and ISAV content of the ampoules according to the procedures described in the diagnostic manuals provided by the EURL for Fish Diseases

Additionally SAV is included in proficiency test 2 and participants can include test for it on a voluntarily basis according to the WOAH Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals, chapter 2.3.8


Please note that we use selected subcontractors for some of our procedures in the preparation of the Proficiency Test on Fisk diseases, specifically for sequencing and freeze-drying. Details on the steps of the procedures as well as for the subcontractors are described in the yearly report of the Inter-Laboratory Proficiency Test.

Watch video on how to open the ampoules



Each participating laboratory receives a report containing information on the virus isolates in the ampoules and a summary of the results of all laboratories in a coded version. The participants are informed of their own code number and are thus able to compare their performance to that of the others. The results of the two proficiency tests will be scored independently.