Training Courses

Courses offered by the EURL

The EURL for Fish and Crustacean Diseases offers yearly training courses on relevant topics related to diagnostic techniques and surveillance for identification of listed fish diseases.

Two different courses are generally offered.

  1. A course focused on virology and diagnostics. The course content covers a wide range of tasks including sample collection, gross pathology, cell culture facility management, virus isolation, virus titration, mycoplasma testing and freeze-thawing cell lines for storing in liquid nitrogen, virus identification using biochemical and molecular methods (i.e. ELISA, IFAT, PCR, etc.).

  2. A course focused on other more specific topics like biomolecular techniques, bioinformatics, pathology or serology. Including relevant topics as PCR, Real-time PCR, sequencing, phylogeny, histopathology, immunohistochemistry or in-situ hybridization.

The courses will primarily be for NRL staff in EU and in associated Member States.

Previous courses

In the menu, you will find reports from previous training courses.