Scientific Reports

Here you can find reports, articles and other publications concerning studies in fish diseases.

Diagnostic procedures for the surveillance of KHV disease

Report from ad hoc working group of sampling and diagnostic procedures for the surveillance and confirmation of Koi Herpes Virus Disease (KHVD) 2023

IHVN in Denmark

Laboratory investigation of two IHNV infected farms in Denmark (2022)

Scientific meeting report from the EURL

Scientific meeting report on cleaner fish in aquaculture 2016

Scientific report from the EURL

Treatment of wastewater from fish cutting plants

Diagnostic manual

Diagnostic Manual for the main pathogens in European seabass and Gilthead seabream aquaculture

Fish welfare reports

Welfare Indicators for farmed rainbow trout: tools for assessing fish welfare

Welfare Indicators for farmed Atlantic salmon: tools for assessing fish welfare

Carp Edema Virus

Report of Carp Edema Virus Workshop Copenhagen 2015

Report of Carp Edema Virus Meeting at EAFP 2015 

Fish Egg Trade

Work package 1 report: Hazard identification for vertical transfer of fish disease agents

Work package 2 report: The application of risk assessment to the study of vertical transmission of fish pathogens             

Work package 3 report: Pathogen survival outside the host, and susceptibility to disinfection

Work package 4 report: Broodfish testing for bacterial infections

Work package 4 report: Broodfish testing for viral infections

Reports/articles from the European Food Safety Authority

Possible vector species and live stages of susceptible species not transmitting disease as regards certain fish diseases

Possible vector species and live stages of susceptible species not transmitting disease as regards certain mollusc diseases

Possible vector species and live stages of susceptible species not transmitting disease as regards certain crustacean diseases

Aquatic species susceptible to diseases listed in Directive 2006/88/EC

PANDA - Permanent Advisory Network for Disease in Aquaculture

WP4 report 2008

Final plan for using and disseminating the knowledge - App. 1

Del.  1 - Project website - App. 2

Del.  2 & 3 - Risk analysis of exotic emerging and re-emerging disease hazards - App. 3

Del.  3 - Tables for hazard data - App. 3a - Annex 1

Del.  3 - External disease listings consulted - App. 3b - Annex 2

Del.  3 - OIE and Directive 2006/88/EC disease listing criteria- App. 3c - Annex 3

Del.  3 - Hazard scoring spreadsheet - App. 3d - Annex 4

Del.  3 - PANDA list, comparison with the OIE 2006/88/EC - App. 3e - Annex 5

Del.  3 - Assessments - App. 3F - Annex 6

Del.  3 - Examples of data extraction - App. 3g - Annex 7

Del.  3 - Delphi Technique Workshop - App. 3h - Annex 8

Del.  3 - Potential zoonotic agents associated with aqauatic animal species - App. 3i - Annex 9

Del.  3 - Gyrodactylus salaris qualitative risk assessment - App. 3j - Annex 10

Del.  4 - Database of network members- App. 4

Del.  5 - Database of training opportunities in Europe for aquatic animal disease research and diagnosis - App. 5

Del.  6 - Epidemiological database - App. 6

Del.  7 - Recommendations for prevention, vigilance and contingency plans for the identified disease hazards - App. 7

Del.  8 - Report on the current best methods for rapid and accurate detection of the main disease hazards and requirements for improvements and their eventual standardisation and validation - App. 8

Del.  9 - Report identifying how to achieve harmonised implementation throughout Europe of the best diagnostic methods for the main disease hazards in aquaculture - App. 9

Del.10 - Environmentally safe control strategies - App. 9

Del.11 - Report on knowledge gaps, training needs and strategies for increasing opportunities in aquatic animal health - App. 11

Del.12 - Network of experts - App. 12

Del.16 - Consortium agreement - App. 13

PANDA flyer

PANDA poster