Here you can find the presentations from the 26th Annual Workshop for the National Reference Laboratories for Fish Diseases, 30-31 May 2022. Not all presentations are uploaded, due to content of unpublished data.
Niccoló Vendramin: Overview of the disease situation in Europe
Torfinn Moldal: Overview of the disease situation in Norway
Tine Moesgaard Iburg & Niccoló Vendramin: IHN outbreak in DK – laboratory
Niels Jørgen Olesen: IHN in Denmark – and the way forward
Tuija Kantala: IHN outbreak in Finland
Mihaela Costea: VHS in Romania
Charlotte Axen: IPNV genogroup 6 pathogenicity to rainbow trout, salmon and brown trout
Lubomír Pojezdal: Health status of farmed cyprinids in Czech republic
Richard Paley: An outbreak of Lumpfish Flavivirus, diagnostic and control
Richard Paley: OIE collaborating centre for emerging aquatic animal disease
Niccoló Vendramin and Tine Moesgaard Iburg: EURL Training Courses. Topics and organization of courses 2022
Teena Vendel Klinge and Niccoló Vendramin: Interlaboratory Proficiency test for fish diseases 2021